504,00 RSD
Simetoral® tablete za žvakanje uz pomoć aktivne supstance simtikona, koji uklanja mehuriće gasa iz creva, efikasno smanjuju simptome nadutosti, gasova, bolnih abdominalnih grčeva, podrigivanja i bola u donjem delu stomaka.
Simetoral tablete za žvakanje se koriste za ublažavanje i simptomstsko lečenje tegoba uzrokovanih gasovima, kao što je nadutost, osećaj punosti, bol u gornjem abdomenu, podrigivanje, sindrom iritabilnog creva i postoperativni bol uzrokovan gasovima. Sastav: 80mg simetikona Uputstvo za primenu: deca od 6-14 godina: 3-4 tbl na dan stariji od 15 godina 4-8 tbl na dan Pakovanje: 20 tableta za žvakanje
Note: We strive to be as accurate as possible in the description of all products, but we cannot guarantee that all descriptions are complete and error-free. Thank you for your understanding.
All items shown on the site are part of our offer, but it does not imply that they are available at all times
Prices are valid for online purchases only
The prices of the products in the pharmacy may differ from the prices in the online store
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