Vir deterdžent za pranje sudova Max Kraft Flieder 415ml

150,00 RSD

Moćan gel za pranje posuđa – nemilosrdan prema masnoći i tvrdokornim ostacima hrane. Aktivne komponente i gusta pena obezbeđuju efikasno pranje za sjajno čisto posuđe i pribor. Sa svežim mirisom jorgovana.

Packaging and dosage:
Rastvoriti nekoliko kapi preparata (5ml) u 1L tople vode, operati posuđe i pribore i isprati obilno vodom.

Technical information:
415ml = 18 kom. u kutiji

Suitable for:
• ručno pranje posuđa i pribora za jelo

Naš savet:
Za ekonomičniju upotrebu – pridržavajte se uputstva za doziranje na etiketi.

Note: We strive to be as accurate as possible in the description of all products, but we cannot guarantee that all descriptions are complete and error-free. Thank you for your understanding.
All items shown on the site are part of our offer, but it does not imply that they are available at all times

Prices are valid for online purchases only
The prices of the products in the pharmacy may differ from the prices in the online store

Info and orders
